
Prince Kavul


Also known as Prince, has had a diverse and enriching journey. Born in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). He obtained his Bachelor's Degree in International Relations from the University of Lubumbashi in 2000.

Prince has since ventured into the realm of SAP consulting, specializing in SAP EWM/Ariba/MM/S4Hana Source and Procurement Functional Consulting. From 2016 to the present, he has worked on various projects with different companies, including Total Oil (Paris), Ford South Africa, Spar International (Durban), Barlico Technologies, and Transunion.

Before transitioning into the SAP industry, Prince dedicated his time to assisting patients seeking treatment in South Africa for the past decade. Additionally, he provided care and support to international students studying in South Africa by hosting them in his home.

Prince serves as a Deacon at Cornerstone Church, where he shares the love of God through acts of serving other people. His personal experiences have strengthened his faith, leading him to pursue a Degree in Ministry and Leadership from CFCI Bible College in Johannesburg, which he completed in 2023.

Prince is multilingual, fluent in French, English, Swahili, and Lingala. His diverse background, coupled with his passion for serving others and sharing his faith, shapes his holistic approach to life and work.

Prince encounter with a friend in need of reliable mobility equipment served as a catalyst for realizing the broader issue of accessibility faced by many in similar situations.

By committing to providing a pair of crutches annually to his friend, the founder recognized the profound impact such a simple gesture could have on someone's quality of life. Furthermore, this experience shed light on the larger systemic issue of inadequate access to mobility aids for those with physical disabilities, often resulting in exclusion from various aspects of life.

Driven by compassion and a desire to make a meaningful difference, the founder established One Touch International by linking this to Luke 3:43-48; to address this pressing need. By offering free crutches, feeding scheme, outreach to encourage them with the word of God and wheelchairs to individuals facing mobility challenges, the organization aims to empower them to participate fully in society, pursue opportunities, and provide for themselves and their families.

That is how One Touch International came to be.


Nadine Ntumba

Vice Chair

Born In DRCongo, Nadine Ntumba has had a rich and diverse educational background, including a Bachelor of Commerce Honors in Marketing, a Certificate in Business Administration and Management, as well as specialized courses in childcare and first aid. Nadine is married to Prince Kavul. Her passion for working with children is evident from her career choices, including her current role as a Kids Ministry Teacher at Cornerstone Church. Additionally, her involvement in missions and her position as a deacon at the Cornerstone church showcase her dedication to serving others and spreading the message of Jesus Christ.

Nadine is now excited to embark on a new journey with One Touch International since 2016, possibly to further her mission work and fulfill her passion for making Jesus Christ known worldwide, as referenced in Matthew 5:16.


Sandrine Kabwit


Despite facing challenges as a person living with a disability, she exemplifies remarkable determination and commitment by prioritizing her education. Pursuing an honors degree in commercial and financial sciences with a specialization in accounting at ISS College in Lubumbashi showcases her dedication to academic and professional growth.

What's particularly admirable is her resilience in not allowing societal expectations or physical appearances to hinder her aspirations. By staying focused on her goals, Sandrine embodies the strength and perseverance needed to overcome obstacles.

Her decision to join One Touch International reflects her compassion and desire to support others facing similar challenges. By sharing her experiences and providing encouragement, she can make a significant difference in the lives of those with disabilities.


Daddy Tshikomba


Tshikomba Kayuka Daddy has had a significant journey in the realm of finance and audit. Graduating with honors Degree in economics and financial management from the University of Lubumbashi since 2005 speaks to his academic prowess. His tenure at Gécamines, first as a senior auditor and now as head of mission in the Internal Audit Department, suggests his expertise and leadership in ensuring financial integrity within the Gecamine Company.

Transitioning to One Touch International reflects his ambition to broaden his horizons and contribute his skills to a new environment. His enthusiasm for joining the finance department of this ministry indicates a strong commitment to making a positive impact and adding value wherever he goes.


Paul Lunda

Board Member

Paul Lunda is an evangelist and a professional mental. He has a master's degree in counselling psychology, he is a certified connect trainer an evidence attachment based and trauma informed program for parents and caregivers. He has experience in working with traumatized individuals and vulnerable groups. His interest is more focused on helping children with behaviourial problem. He joined the board members to share his expertise and contribute to this Ministry.


Nicole Nieman

Board Member

II am currently pursuing my bachelor's degree in Christian counseling at CMM College of Theology in Fort Mill, SC, USA.

I was honored to receive the Berean Nobility Award, Acts 17:11, These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica in that they received the word with all readiness and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.

In addition to my studies, I am also involved in the missions side of CMM, actively participating in various initiatives to spread the gospel and support communities worldwide. CMM is an educational and mission organization with over 500 missionary leaders serving in 45 nations. 

Their mission is to equip and strengthen the local church globally by training, providing, and releasing native pastors and leaders who understand their cultures best. Through CMM, I learned about One Touch International and felt a calling to partner with Prince to bring hope and the love of Christ to those in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

I am passionate about empowering leaders within their communities, equipping them with the skills to spread the gospel and bring healing, restoration, and freedom to families in the depths of poverty.Interceding for others through prayer is another passion of mine. I strive to bring encouragement, the word of God, and the abounding love of our Lord Jesus Christ to people, helping them understand their identity and spiritual authority.

I also serve impoverished communities through my involvement with non-profits dedicated to supporting those experiencing homelessness, women and children affected by human trafficking and modern-day slavery, and individuals with disabilities.


Meghas Mukombo

IT Manager

Born in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and currently living in South Africa, I am a Christian with a great passion for Sunday School in churches because that's where the first seeds of Christ's message were planted in my heart. I am a software developer professionally and l am also a staff member at One Touch International.


Obed Lushi

Community Worker

Obed is finishing high school this Year 2023.Obed's commitment to serving others despite his age. Joining organizations like One Touch International since 2016 and being active in the Rev youth group at Cornerstone church can provide valuable opportunities for personal growth and making a positive impact in the community. Obed always takes extra miles when its comes to serve the community.


Denis Kabeya

Centre Manager

Denis Kabeya's enthusiasm for joining One Touch International and becoming part of the intercessor team! Intercessors play a crucial role in uplifting others through prayer and spreading the message of God's love and salvation. With Denis's passion for preaching the word of God and winning souls, they would likely make a valuable addition to the team. One Touch International could benefit greatly from Denis's dedication and commitment to serving others spiritually.


Sandra Kayemb

Community Worker

Sandra Kayemb's journey is truly inspiring. Graduating with a BCom Hons in Economics from the University of Johannesburg demonstrates her dedication to academic excellence. However, what sets her apart is her passion for helping people with disabilities to thrive. Her commitment to breaking down barriers and ensuring inclusivity is commendable.

Furthermore, her involvement as a teacher in the Kids Ministry at Cornerstone Church showcases her desire to make a difference in the lives of children, instilling values and offering guidance. Being part of One Touch International since 2016 further amplifies her impact, allowing her to extend her reach and contribute to a broader community.

Sandra's multifaceted approach to serving others reflects her compassionate and inclusive nature. Sandra speaks French, English and Swahili. Sandra can't stop being part of One Touch International based on Act 20:35


Ruffin Kav

Stock Manager

With his honors degree in commercial and financial sciences with a specialization in taxation from ISC College of Lubumbashi, DRCongo, as well as his decade-long experience in the car sales business, he likely brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table.

Joining the OTI team since 2018 was an exciting opportunity for him to utilize his skills and contribute something valuable to the community.

It's great to see individuals like Ruffum Kav leveraging their education and experience to make a positive impact in their community.


Joseph Mpande

Project Assistant Manager

Joseph Mpande's commitment to service and community engagement is admirable. His background in International Relations likely equips him with valuable skills in diplomacy, communication, and understanding global perspectives, which can be beneficial in his efforts to make a positive impact both locally and internationally. As an elder at Ministere Generation Joel, he is already involved in spreading the Great Commission, and his decision to join One Touch International was for him to bring his experience as Elder at Ministere Generation Joel to the community and to this Ministry.


Laurent Mbay

Community Worker

Laurent Mbay was born in Congo, he graduated in 2005 with Honors Degree in Economics. Additionally, he has developed expertise as a SAP Consultant, showcasing his proficiency in technology and business solutions.

Beyond his professional achievements, Laurent is committed to making a positive impact in his community. He joined the One Touch International with the intention of continuing to contribute to community development efforts.

In addition to his involvement with the OTI, Laurent also dedicates his time as a volunteer at his local church. Specifically, he assists in looking after cars every Sunday, demonstrating his commitment to serving others and supporting community activities.


Shadrack Ngongo

Community Worker

Graduating with an Honors Degree in Marketing is a significant achievement, especially considering his active involvement in various volunteer activities throughout his education.

His experiences at Love Joburg, Disaster Relief at Cornerstone Church, and One Touch International since 2016 demonstrate his dedication to helping others and making a positive impact in society. Such volunteering experiences not only contribute to personal growth but also showcase his ability to work in diverse environments and collaborate with different groups of people.


Clarice Mpande

Admin Assistant

Being an usher at her church suggests she has a role in welcoming and assisting worshippers, which aligns well with her love for serving people. Volunteering at One Touch International indicates her commitment to helping others beyond her immediate community, possibly in areas such as humanitarian aid or community development. With four children, Clarice likely has a busy life, but her dedication to serving others speaks volumes about her character and values.